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The EA Survey 2024 is now live at the following link:  

Take the survey

We would encourage you to take this survey if you feel that you broadly identify with effective altruism, or are at all engaged with the EA community, however loosely. It is useful for us to get responses from a broad selection of people.

We currently plan to leave the survey open until December 31st, though it’s possible we might extend the window, as we did last time. 

If you would like to share the survey with others (which we appreciate!), please use this link: https://rethinkpriorities.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_afVuyzagANx2V2S?source=sharing

Why take the EA Survey?

The EA Survey provides valuable information about the EA community on topics such as:

  • The community’s changing demographics and where they are located
  • How people are first hearing about EA and what projects help them get involved
  • What helps people have an impact and connect with other EAs
  • Community health, including factors affecting community satisfaction, retention and mental health
  • Which causes EAs think should be prioritized, and more

Every year the survey is used to inform the decisions of a number of different EA orgs. 

The survey is relatively short (around 10 minutes to complete the main section) and we again worked with CEA to make it possible for some of your answers to be pre-filled with your previous responses, to save you even more time. Note that this is only enabled if you took the 2022 EA Survey and gave your consent. 


This year the Centre for Effective Altruism has, again, generously donated a prize of $1000 USD that will be awarded to a randomly selected respondent to the EA Survey, for them to donate to any of the organizations listed on the GWWC donation page. Please note that to be eligible, you need to provide a valid e-mail address so that we can contact you.




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I hate to continue to ride this hobby horse, but I wish that questions about mental health as an EA cause area would distinguish between mental health as a global health problem, and mental health for EAs or other capacity-building purposes (or, if not, just leave them out). Conflating them in the same question without a clear disambiguation, especially around prioritisation, makes this data nearly useless because I don’t know what the answerer interpreted it to mean. (I hope it’s not too late to add a clarification now?)

Thanks for the feedback huw.

The question should be interpreted as being about the substantive cause area of mental health (https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/topics/mental-health-cause-area), not as a subset of movement building by providing mental health services for EAs, so we've added 'not as part of EA movement building' to the question to make it clearer.

Thank you so much! That’s a great clarification ❤️

When is the survey going to be open until? Asking as a group organizer who is planning how to get members to fill in the survey

Thanks for asking ezrah. We currently plan to leave the survey open until December 31st, though it’s possible we might extend the window, as we did last time. 

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