
Country Director @ OneDay Health
6188 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)Gulu, Ugandaonedayhealth.org



I'm a doctor working towards the dream that every human will have access to high quality healthcare.  I'm a medic and director of OneDay Health, which has launched 35 simple but comprehensive nurse-led health centers in remote rural Ugandan Villages. A huge thanks to the EA Cambridge student community  in 2018 for helping me realise that I could do more good by focusing on providing healthcare in remote places.

How I can help others

Understanding the NGO industrial complex, and how aid really works (or doesn't) in Northern Uganda 
Global health knowledge


Very minor point, in defence of African countries where there might be decent-ish democracy. Depending on your criteria, Kenya might "count" here.

"I asked GPT-4 to list democracies in which a major candidate refused to accept defeat in a national election. GPT-4 was unable to list any democracy other than the US. (Instead, it misunderstood the question and included countries like Kenya, Venezuela and Belarus, which obviously don’t count)."

I love the warmth, energy and enthusiasm in this post. Although it's not everyone's style and not the norm on the forum, its nice from time to time and was a mini pick-me up this morning.

Especially appreciated the effusive thanks for your donors, guests and supporters, feels good.

I agree - why state explicitly that you aren't recruiting mid or late career people? 

Even if its not your priority, why not say something like "we intend to focus our efforts to bring new people into the community on students (especially at top universities) and young professionals. At the same time we will encourage people of all ages and backgrounds to join the community while offering targeted support to some high impact opportunities to get experienced mid/late career professionals on board"

Or something.

I completely agree, using less money in our everyday lives is a huge Factor here which can easily be ignored. I also ask people to consider their generational wealth. Many people are set to inherit a lot of money with high likelihood but don't factor that into their saving/giving plans which seems weird to me at least with an EA framework. For example If we have a 80 percent chance of inheriting 500,000 Dollars then you can afford to save a lot less than someone who won't inherit anything.

As a side note personally I find saving very much money quite hard to justify morally, especially if you have a solid safety net with government/family/friends but that's a whole nother discussion!

I'm the same, have no idea how to put it on the forum.

I'll add this might well be a very doable committment as given this GiveDirectly donation and others of his, he might be already doing it or pretty close...

Strong upvote for the attempted mirth - I think I'm one of the few that appreciates it around here :D.

That's a nice one Allen- there is the "changed my mind" reaction already which gets some of the way there.

Sure but 10x seems a weird place to start, surely start with "more cost effective" before applying arbitrary multipliers...

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