

  • Managing the Fixed Point building, developing internal systems , acting  as accounting liaison, dabbling in Ops, IT & more
  • Facilitating Neo-Socratic Dialogues
  • Furnishing a new flat near Prague with my fiancée

How others can help me

EA theory and methods


How I can help others

Setting up and running a coworking office, systems, best practices, lessons learned etc.


Hi, thank you for organising this.

What are your thoughs on several offices closing EDIT: "or failing to open" recently?
Lightcone Offices, SOL and there are rumors of others considering their fate as well.
Does it spell the end of EA offices / hubs as a thing of the past, when funding was perhaps too abundant?
Or is it just a case by case basis and there is opportunity for people who used those spaces to support creation of new ones elsewhere?

How (if at all) does your understanding of that impact the expected content of the conference?


The EA forum introductory workshop has been very encouraging, I might actually write my own first post. 

For accountability reasons, it is gonna be something like "Coming back to EA after 6 years" :-)


the direct Discord invite link is no longer valid for me. 
Could you please update it to the same one that is in the Google Form?

Thanks :-)