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Hi John,

I'll definitely look into all that you've suggested. You're absolutely right in trying to acquire perspective about these events in order to understand better how to react if these things happen again in the future, which it very well might. I value your input and hope to give you some feedback on it one day. I'd like to message you and maybe have a chat about the contents of the material you've advised.

Thank you. I'm happy to have found this community. I'll try my best.

Best wishes.

Hi Kathryn,

Your input is extremely valuable. Thank you so much. I will definitely look into the resources you suggested. The whole situation is becoming very complicated, and is hard for a civilian without inside information to understand all that is happening now, as it is no longer a non partisan protest. It seems the best thing I can to is learn as much as I can about the current circumstances. Thank you for your email, if it's okay, I will contact you and give you updates on my progress and the developments regarding the events. I'll also take proper measures to ensure safety as you mentioned, it is very important indeed, also for us to have a more effective impact on helping to improve the situation.

Your support means so much to us. Again, thank you so much.

Your support gives us courage Holly. I struggle to find the words to describe my gratitude for your empathy. Let's hope things get better. I'll try my best to seek out the most effective courses of action. Honestly, the responses from this forum exceeded my expectations. I'm grateful. Let's hope more solutions emerge with time.

Heyy Cullen

Your sharing this is not feeble at all. Your empathy and concern goes a very long way. Thank you so much. For now maybe reaching out for more international coverage is the best we can do. The conflict has become political. I'm afraid this may have to be resolved internally as a nation. Watching helplessly is just so difficult at this point. I hope with more searching more solutions will emerge. It's just so annoying that the problems in third world countries are so fundamental, and may take generations to improve in the grand scheme of things.

Thank you so much Holly. It just feels so relieving to know there are people who care. Hearing you say you've contacted some organisations gives me so much hope. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need more details or footage over the crisis. I'm so eager to start a brainstorming session here, because I'm at a loss for ideas on how to act as productively as possible. We're emailing international news outlets but I'm unsure over how effective it proves to be. Violence is continuing here and there does not seem to be any signs of it subsiding. I'm dreading that Dhaka may be becoming a war zone. As far as solutions go, I can't think much further than international intervention. I hope more people see this post so that there is more to discuss. I believe this place is brilliant for constructive thinking.

Best regards.

Thank you so much Peter! :)

Just a newbie exploring the forum!

Hi, I'm new here!

By the looks of it, there is SO much to learn about effective altruism and I absolutely love that. I've really come to accept learning as a never ending process and it's liberating to look at learning that way.

I'm hoping to earn some Karma points so I can make my own posts here and interact with members of this lovely forum, to continuously learn and maybe contribute sometimes along the way.

I've totally bought into the concepts of effective altruism, with the ideals of working as a community to edge closer to a better society resonating with me. I'm so excited about EA that I've decided that I want to help host an Effective Altruism Global X in my home country, Bangladesh.

I know for a fact that not many people know about effective altruism in Bangladesh. I've seen there is a listed group from Bangladesh in Effective Altruism Hub and I've mailed them to get in touch, but I have not detected much activity from them prior to sending them an email.

I just feel that concepts such as "Earning To Give" and "Cause Neutrality" are ideas that more people should know about. So many people do not fully understand the potential for impact each individual holds, they underestimate their potential to do good and do not invest their time in finding out what they can do with their career to have more impact. So many incredibly intelligent people, due to lack of information that could have been easily available, prematurely decide that earning money is the best they can do with their lives.

I absolutely believe that coming across 80,000 Hours was one of the luckiest moments in my life. The way they use scientific evidence to make a person understand the sheer capacity in one's hands, whether through donating effectively, advocacy, or direct work as explained in parts 2 and 3 of the career guide, inspires people to go out there and dedicate their lives to learning and doing good better.

Bangladesh, a lower-middle income country, is an area that desperately needs more effective altruists. Also derived from the career guide, in identifying proper problem areas, they should be large enough in scale, neglected, and solvable. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, is the most overcrowded city in the world according to a 2017 post by the Telegraph, and 5th in the world in population density according to Wikipedia. Dhaka is a regular in the Economist Intelligence Unit's annual rankings of the "Least Liveable Cities" in the world. Dhaka came 2nd in 2014. Whether the misfortune of the people of Bangladesh is due to a weak government, swayed by corruption, or a lack of unity by the people, one thing is clear, that spreading the ideals of effective altruism has potential for massive impact in Bangladesh. The facts are that even if an effective altruist group exists in Dhaka, they have not been active and there is a huge opportunity to turn some heads and galvanize the doers of the society with the effective altruism movement, so that we can stride towards the development of our society that has been overdue now.

I'm very excited to meet more wonderful people, and learn many new things. It keeps me awake at night to think of what a success an effective altruist community fostered in Bangladesh could prove to be. I have not yet applied to be an organizer, because I thought I should maybe get at least a little bit involved with the community.

Lots of things to look forward to, and that is always how life should be.

