Celina - Griffith Johnson

Founder of A_Poster_Project @ A_Poster_Project
-5 karmaJoined In high schoolPursuing an undergraduate degree


Everyone has a skill. Mine is Root Cause Analysis. And the problem I see with many organizations today are the bandaid approaches to Prevalent Issues in society.

My focus is Poverty, Social Inequality and Racial Injustice.

Celina is a published teen writer and activist for marginalized low income communities. She is currently trying to build a brand and is working to connect, collaborate, network and learn from organizations and individuals whose goals are to rebuild low income communities.

Celina is the lead for @A_Poster_Project which is an Inundate Initiative and her future organization will consist of drastically improving and rebuilding all low income communities in America starting with the most dangerous and crime ridden. As for her Inundate Initiative: A_Poster_Project, Celina wants to first target the source of unmanaged communities and generations of poverty within Low Income Marginalized Communities. The source being the mindset. By building her A_Poster_Project as a media proprietor, Celina will work to inundate positive representation where it is needed most through virtual and physical advertising space where she will create a more positive paradigm shift using giant posters, advertisement boards, billboards etc.

Her goal is to inform, educate and motivate communities of their options in the career world, being successful, breaking the cycle of poverty, and building generational wealth.

Why be a criminal lawyer to help those wronged by the Criminal Justice System when you can instead target the ROOT of becoming targets to be wronged in the First Place. 'Make it so that it is no longer possible.'

How others can help me

As I am currently trying to build a brand. I am looking to connect, collaborate, network and learn from organizations and individuals whose goals are to rebuild low income communities. Any events, feedbacks, or individuals to speak to on how I can take my work to the next level would be greatly appreciated.

How I can help others

I can help with finding a Root Cause to Problems you are looking for solutions to. You can always tag me for that type of feedback.

If you ever needed an active member in zooms, meetings, posts, etc regarding a specific matter, I am always open to meeting new people and talking about many kinds of topics.

I can connect you with others who may have similar interest to you.


Thank you for the insightful comment, the purpose was to hear ideas and thoughts. It would seem I need to answer a few questions regarding evidence to certain statements, I can do that in the next post, I'll title it: Evidence to support A_Poster_Project

I understand your statement about a idea on this forum needing to have the biggest impact, but I figured this forum would support solid small ideas, and give thoughts.

I plan on implementing this project regardless, I was hoping to hear opinions, I really appreciate this thought.

Thank you for the insightful comment. That was the purpose of my post, though it'll be implemented with or without the forum. It seems I would need to fit it more into the context of Effective Altruism.

Should I not be sharing if I don’t have a wide scale solution to a problem, for the purpose of it needing to have only the biggest impact?

I would like comments on the idea. I see downvotes as a message not being conveyed in a way that it can be positively understood. I know this will be a very productive and successful plan, it's nice to see the narrative about it that people are afraid to share, (through votes). I am prepared to make people uncomfortable with a strategy that will better communities.