Feeling worried?
Hey all. I’m Catherine, and I work on CEA’s Community Health and Special Projects Team. One of my roles is to act as a contact person for the EA community, alongside Julia Wise.
I just wanted to let you know that I’m available if you want to share EA-related worries or frustrations with me (they can be specific or very vague). My email is catherine@centreforeffectivealtruism.org, or you can reach the whole Community Health and Special Projects team on our form (which can be filled in anonymously if you wish). Sometimes I’ll have the time to jump on a video call to talk it through if you’d find that helpful (but it might not always be possible). Maybe I’ll be able to help in some way, or maybe not. I also read through all the posts on the Forum relating to worries about the community (and the comments).
What I’m worried about right now
Please feel free to reach out about any manner of worries relating to EA – whether they are related to my current worry or something entirely different.
Personally, I’m currently feeling disappointed, worried, frustrated, and a bit angry (which isn’t an emotion I commonly feel) about a few things that I’ve read on the Forum recently. I’m also incredibly privileged in nearly all metrics of privilege one can imagine, so there is a high chance that what I’m feeling doesn’t scratch the surface of the feelings some of you are experiencing.
But, I also notice that there are a lot of people in the wider EA community who don’t follow the online EA spaces. They’re just getting on with the job of learning, upskilling, or making the world a better place. I’ve been oscillating wildly between feeling that my worry is a really big signal I should pay attention to or mostly a function of me spending too much time online reading meta-EA things.
One thing I tell myself when I get upset, angry or frustrated in an EA space is “This space ≠ EA”.
- If you’re feeling one EA space is bad for you, consider trying another EA space (for me, I sometimes get disillusioned when reading the Forum, but in-person meetings or video calls make me feel SO MUCH better about our community.)
- You might like to try rereading the texts that first brought you to EA (my personal choice for reinvigorating myself is On Caring - it’s not a happy read but for me it brings things back into focus).
And, just a reminder, sometimes the right thing to do is to take a step back for a bit.
I will no longer be writing a post as I find it very difficult to write and seeing this Twitter thread of harrasment against those critical of EA is discouraging.
I will retract my comment.