It's been awhile since we posted on the EA forum, and we have some big updates about our projects. Here is a short summary with links to more detailed explanations.


Charity Science Health

  • Four months ago, Charity Science Health launched, aiming to use SMS reminders to increase vaccination rates in India. This intervention is backed up by significant evidence and was the strongest global poverty intervention we identified after six months of prioritization research.

  • Things have been progressing well, and we have published our first update.  

  • We fully funded our initial budget, with a $200,000 grant from GiveWell Experimental and $50,000 from the EA community.

  • We have recently been invited to the second stage interview at Y Combinator.


Charity Science Outreach (our classic Charity Science outreach and fundraising work)

  • We scaled down Charity Science Outreach. We don’t currently plan on doing any future experiments, but we will continue to make sure our two most successful fundraising activities keep happening (legacies and peer-to-peer fundraising).

  • .impact will be taking over the management of our Christmas fundraisers. Given their network of chapters we feel they will be able to run this program in an effective way this year and in the future.

We are also actively seeking volunteers, particularly for Charity Science Health research and legacy promotion. We’ve found that our plans can be significantly sped up through volunteer assistance and we’re looking for as much help as possible. We have large amounts of high value research our team will not have the capacity to do without the help of EAs. Sign up to volunteer here.




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Congratulations! I'm excited to see where this goes!

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