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Hey altruists,

I represent AIsafety.info—we're a small team dedicated to educating the general public about AI x-risk, and doing so in a way which caters to a deep understanding of this audience including their current models, motivations, objections, and so on.

If you're into another EA cause area, but not AI x-risk

We've heard from people like you that most AI safety content out there is too technical or specific. You want to be able to get a comprehensive overview of the topic, in a way that is engaging, not too time-consuming, and not too overwhelming. Then, if you desire, learn more from there based on your current knowledge level.

Our vision is that AIsafety.info will be a place to do just that, and to accomplish this, we're creating a ~12 minute overview video for the home page, informed and filmed by Rob Miles.

We have a script to film soon, but we want to know if the video is really serving its purpose with our audience. Your feedback would help accomplish that. If you are interested, find our survey below, which includes a link to a doc with the current script. I expect this will take about 12 minutes to read the script, and 10 minutes to complete the survey.

Submit your feedback

Thank you!

If you are currently pretty onboard with AI x-risk (I'm talking like, LessWrong users):

We've gotten feedback from this audience that explaining x-risk to friends is difficult, tiresome, and easy to get wrong. AIsafety.info will be your buddy in that task. Our vision is that AIsafety.info will be an easy link to text friends, share in conversation, or post on your preferred social media outlet.

To accomplish this, we're creating a ~12 minute overview video for the home page, informed and filmed by Rob Miles.

We have a script to film soon, but we want to know if the video is really serving its purpose with our audience. Feel free to send friends and family who are not particularly onboard with x-risk a link to the  survey, which then includes a link to a doc with the current script. I expect this will take about 12 minutes to read the script, and 10 minutes to complete the survey.

Your direct feedback regarding fact-checking, high-level takes on what we mention, or detailed takes on how we mention it, are also totally welcome.

Submit your feedback and share

Thank you!




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