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There are more EA projects out there than you think. The EA assembly is an online event to find out who’s working on what around the world, ask questions and get involved in the projects you’re most excited about.'  The first one will be on Sunday September 6th.

The first Assembly will be short and simple.  It will feature several back-to-back 5-minute talks with short Q&A, all on a Google On Air Hangout.  After this will be a period for people to go into smaller Google Hangouts rooms to discuss the projects / topics that they are most interested in.

The presentations will all be done in one Google Hangout room, recorded, and later posted to YouTube.  The break out sessions can be recorded or not, at the discretion of the person presenting.

The intention is for this to be a monthly event that will alternate with Workathons.  The first Sunday of each month will be an EA Assembly, and subsequent Sundays will feature Workathons.  Assemblies are for discussion and brainstorming, Workathons are for focussed time to get things done.  Assemblies are expected to be more popular events, and people definitely do not need to come to one to join the other.


8PM - 9 PM UTC*: Lightning Talks

9PM - 10:30PM UTC: Break Out Sessions


Call For Speakers

Would you be interested in presenting?  If so, fill out this simple application.  The deadline to present at this event is next Wednesday, August 23rd, after which we will release the list of speakers.


*8PM UTC is 1PM Pacific Time and 4PM Eastern Time.




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Hey all,

The EA Book Club will be meeting before this assembly (2:30pm Eastern time) to discuss Will MacAskill's new book, Doing Good Better. RSVP Here.

p.s. I'm excited to hear about projects during the Assembly, and possibly share my own (just applied!)

Btw, would it be possible for you to also have facebook events? I never follow the ones on goodreads.

Seconded. I just recommended the same thing to Kyle before reading your comment.

I work on Sundays, so I won't be able to attend this EA Assembly. I have multiple project ideas, including:

  • the EA Volunteer Review Task Force I mentioned on Facebook
  • the revamped EA Buddy System
  • A new template for classifying EA organizations, including ideas for how the EA wiki can be used for these purposes

I'll try writing up my plans for these projects before next Wednesday, and post them on this Forum and/or the .impact Hackpad. If somoene wouldn't mind briefly explaining the one or two projects I submit for the EA Assembly in my absence, and how someone can contact me about them or get involved, that'd be great. Alternatively, if someone gets involved with these projects quickly, they can take the lead on presenting them at the EA Assembly. I'll try to get these up by the end of the weekend.

What defines an EA talk? How explicitly connected to the EA movement should it be? e.g. Would work at an org that works on an EA cause area, like global poverty, in an EA way but is not explicitly EA count?

I'll third Ozzie and Evan here: if you've got anything you want to present, bring it to the table! So long as you're open to suggestions and analysis, I'd say your talk would definitely be welcome.

Really, a talk you think would be interesting to EAs. That definitely sounds like something that would be interesting. There aren't too many explicitly EA projects out there; I think there's a lot of interesting stuff more on the edges that should get more attention.

Please apply.

Note: I'm not representing .impact or the EA Assembly, I'm just answering your question as best I can to expedite your willing involvement, if it helps.

I would think that counts. I haven't made them very public yet, but I'm working on mapping and classifying all organizations that are working on causes in an effective altruism way, even if they don't explicitly identify with effective altruism. So far, my list has 30 organizations which explicitly identify with effective altruism, and around 50 more that are in the same space, or have a direct affiliation with one of the core organizations. Are you working at an animal advocacy organization? If your project is evidence-based, tries to take lessons from science, and is open to change as the data on its efficacy comes in, I recommend you apply. For example, on my list of organizations and projects that count as effective altruist are ones like Direct Action Everywhere, all 16 recommended charities from The Life You Can Save, and all 12 (or 13, I forget) organizations which have received grants from New Harvest. Effective altruism is a bigger tent than people realize, and its shape is determined by what we as groups and individuals choose to support or work on, so I say try applying.

I figure Ozzie or whoever would most likely accept the application, and if not, you can find out why it got rejected from the EA Assembly.

Where has the list of speakers been released? Thanks.

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