I am employed by University of Oxford and want to give as I earn. The University has a give as you earn (GAYE) scheme administered through the charities aid foundation (https://www.cafonline.org/). The fees for this seem high (4%, capped at £10), and at my current salary I think GiftAid would fully cover my tax deduction. GAYE seems administratively easier but possibly less cost-effective. What do others in a similar situation to me do? Are there reasons to think that the 4% fee for GAYE are worthwhile?
This post was useful as a summary of UK giving but I am unsure if it's up to date. It suggests that GiftAid would be best in my income bracket: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/tNfDWLzBMi9HnoTkE/uk-income-tax-and-donations
Thanks a lot for this response. I would probably donate through EA funds, so yes that should work. It seems like doing that with GiftAid will be a better bet than GAYE in my case then. The tip about HMRC is really useful to know - I have a friend who is giving regularly through GAYE and paying the 4% fee who is in a higher tax bracket, so I've recommended that he try this instead.