I've been looking for options for ethical savings/investment aligned with EA ideas (particularly options that don't just fund projects in your home country).
https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/JqCoJWH7JXnrWeGi4/what-do-you-do-with-your-savings made me aware of Mintos, a loan investment platform which funds loans around the world, including in developing countries. Unfortunately the platform is not available to UK investors. Does anyone use something similar which is available in the UK? Many of the peer-to-peer lending alternatives I've been searching through mostly just lend to European businesses.
Key features I'd be looking for:
- Essential
- Investment in loans to developing countries
- Minimal active management, I don't want to be making dozens of decisions on microloans of £50-100
- Stable platform (risk to investments is acceptable and inevitable, the platform being unreliable or untrustworthy is not)
- Desirable
- Automatic portfolio management (with ability to choose broad parameters of investment)