If you would like hard copies of the EA handbook for your local hub to distribute, send me an email (mhpage@gmail.com) with the address to which they should be sent and the number of copies you would like, bearing in mind that they cost about $3.60/copy. This is a trial run to determine whether this is a good use of funds, and if so, what manner of distribution is most effective. 

Update: Based on a few of the inquiries I have received, I wanted to clarify a couple points:

  1. I am personally indifferent to how many copies you request as I'm simply reallocating funds from mosquito nets to books (not literally true, but you get the point). I mention the cost (now down to about $3.18/copy) so you can do the back-of-the-envelope calculation on your own regarding how these funds are best spent.
  2. I will likely order an initial print run of a few hundred copies. Accordingly, hubs should feel free to request their fair share of that print run. It probably doesn't make a lot of sense (due to shipping costs, and the limited data we'd get from the experiment) to request only a few copies. 




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Thanks for this idea, I'd love to take you up on it. To figure out how many I want:

  1. How long would it be before you would consider a reprint?
  2. How much would it cost to ship them to the postcode 4740, Queensland, Australia?

PS. I might want a hundred or something, in that case I should give you some cash. Donations to EA orgs aren't tax deductible in Australia, so the counterfactual to me buying them is me giving to EA orgs without a tax deduction, whereas your counterfactual to you buying them is (presumably) you giving to EA orgs with a tax deduction. PPS. It seems like everyone else personally messaged you which I can't figure out how to do, sorry...

PPS. It seems like everyone else personally messaged you which I can't figure out how to do, sorry...

Click the "messages" link on the right of the sub-header thing, then the "compose" link on the left :)

Hey Brenton--

I'm printing as I go. For example, if you wanted 100 copies, I'd order a 100-copy print run and have it shipped directly to Australia (that would be $4.01/copy with shipping). There isn't much of a volume discount for printing, so this appears to be the most economical strategy.

Legally, no one can exchange cash. (Otherwise, everyone would be able to order the book directly from the printer.) That's why I'm presently footing the bill. I appreciate the tax deduction point, and I am working on a solution. (By that same logic, however, shouldn't you be giving me all of your to-be-donated cash, and then I'll donate it on your behalf and get a further tax deduction?)

You can send me your address via email: mhpage@gmail.com

Hi mhpage,

Great, thanks for that. I'll send you an email after I've discussed with people on this end how many we want.

Legally, no one can exchange cash. (Otherwise, everyone would be able to order the book directly from the printer.) That's why I'm presently footing the bill. I appreciate the tax deduction point, and I am working on a solution. (By that same logic, however, shouldn't you be giving me all of your to-be-donated cash, and then I'll donate it on your behalf and get a further tax deduction?)

This situation actually made me think more about what can be done around the legality/problems with these types of arrangements. At the moment though I agree that we don't have a good answer to your concern in this area at the moment so no worries at all if you want to do the ordering.

Thanks for your reply mate, chat soon.

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