Hi everyone!
I’m looking for effective associations to donate to – in the field of reducing suffering, more then saving lives.
The problem that particularly bothers me is extremely suffering in the world, so I aim to focus on solutions to this problem. Unfortunately, EA's rating for the various associations didn't really help me because is focus mainly on saving lives.
I know associations that deal with animal welfare, But I would love to get to know a variety of associations that approach the problem of suffering from different directions. I also know associations that deal with NTD, but I couldn’t understand if their bottleneck right now is money.
Do someone know an effective and reliable association that focuses on reducing suffering in the world?
Thank you very much in advance!
PS: I'm new to the forum, and I was promised that my first posts would be cringe (what's more, my English isn't very good), so please be nice ;)
Here's a list of organizations focusing on the quality of the long-term future (including the level of suffering), from this post:
Thank you. Indeed, I read about S-risks, and their treatment is important but very unpredictable (so much so, that some efforts to prevent long-term suffering can actually produce it). Until I make up my mind on the matter and direct my actions - both my contribution and my career - to the prevention of long-term suffering, in the meantime I am looking for more modest but safer options to prevent the suffering that exists at this moment