Upcoming Events
- 3rd September - 'A new international agreement to spend 1% of GDP on global risk reduction', a virtual talk by Hauke Hillebrandt - Organised by the Legal Priorities Project
- 5th September - 'Understanding Cause Neutrality' virtual discussion - Organised by EA Anywhere
- 12th September - Giving What We Can Virtual Meetup
- 13th September - Jason Crawford on the roots of human progress virtual talk - Organised by EA Munich
- 29-31st October - EA Global: London 2021 - Applications will open on Wednesday, 1st September
Latest Research and Updates
- Open Philanthropy have a new program providing grants to support academics for the development of new university courses that are relevant to their grant making
- Benjamin Todd looking at how resources in EA are allocated across causes
- A post on the EA Forum suggesting that more people interested in EA should consider 'non-EA' jobs
- EA Survey 2020
- Engagement
- Community Information - what factors had a positive/negative influence on people's interest in EA
- A forum series with career advice on management consultancy
- 'The case for increasing EA policy efforts in smaller countries'
- EA Anywhere: A Year in Review
- A forum post arguing that 'Most research/advocacy charities are not scalable'
- Giving What We Can is seeking applications for members to participate in their 12-month Ambassador Program
- Benjamin Todd and Sanjay Joshi were on BBC Radio 4, discussing impactful careers
- Charity Entrepreneurship introducing their 2021 incubation program participants
- EA Cambridge have released their second magazine, highlighting what the group has been up to
- Open Phil have made 8 grants recently with a total value of $1,430,000
- $850,000 - Farm Animal Welfare
- $450,000 - Criminal Justice Reform
- $130,000 - Geopolitical Forecasting
- The EA Animal Welfare Fund has made 30 grants with a total value of $1,920,000
Global Development
- John Halstead with a post arguing that economic policy in poor countries is neglected by effective altruism
- The Centre For Global Development with a podcast looking at Special Drawing Rights
- Saloni Dattani looking at the data behind our understanding of depression
- Lucia Coulter being interviewed by the Mayo Clinic, discussing the Lead Exposure Elimination Project
Animal Welfare
- A six month update from Animal Advocacy Africa
- A meta review of interventions that influence animal product consumption
Existential & Catastrophic Risks
- A new paper by Lara Mani, Asaf Tzachor and Paul Cole on global catastrophic risks from lower magnitude volcanic eruptions
- An article looking at the potential problems with a synthetic pandemic
- A post looking at the risks from the UK's planned increase in nuclear warheads
- A post introducing the Existential Risk Observatory, a new organisation in the Netherlands
Improving Institutions
- The UK government just launched a call for evidence on bureaucracy around research and development
- Research England is funding a new global platform aiming to disrupt the current scientific research culture
- A post describing a framework to work out which institutions are most important if you are interested in improving institutional decision making
- 80,000 Hours podcast with Holden Karnofsky on the most important century
- Open Philanthropy with the results of a survey that intended to get a better understanding of how people became interested in longtermism
- A post on the forum looking at foresight for governments, 'Singapore’s Long-termist Policy Tools & Lessons'
- New Global Priorities Institute working papers - and an updated version of "The case for strong longtermism"
- David Manheim with the post 'Towards a Weaker Longtermism'
Emerging Technology
- Podcast with Chris Olah on what is going on inside neural networks
- A series of articles looking at whether we are trending towards transformative AI
Other Links
- A post looking at how EA billionaires are using their money in U.S. politics
- The Centre for the Study of Existential Risk with a response to the IPCC report
- An Ask Me Anything with Jason Brennan, author of "Against Democracy" and creator of a Georgetown course on EA
- Ellen Quigley wrote an article for Aeon about responsible investment
- Natalie Jones appeared on the Gin and Topic podcast, discussing climate change and climate justice
- Rob Bensinger with an outline of Julia Galef's "Scout Mindset"