I am going to start donating to the most cost effective animal rights charity. I do not know which one of the charities recommended by animal charity evaluators this is, however. The reason I am planning to donate to an animal rights charity is because of the problem known as the meat-eater problem of effective altruism, which states that a donation to a human rights charity may actually be net-negative because of the harm caused to the animals caused by them eating animal products. I am considering all mammals and all birds as equal to humans because, according to the New York declaration on animal consciousness, (Andrews, K., Birch, J., Sebo, J., and Sims, T. (2024) Background to the New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness. nydeclaration.com.) all mammals and all birds have shown the mental patterns needed for consciousnesses at the level of humans, despite their lower intelligence. Therefore, due to my belief that happiness is the meaning of life, I believe that animal charities are the best way to go. Givewell does not have a ranking of animal charities, so the most recommended way to find a good charity in this respect is ACE. However, the 11 charities they list do not have a specific recommended order, or a ranking based on how many suffering adjusted days (SAD's are one of ACE's ways of evaluating charities) they divert. I am skeptical of the aquatic life institute because of their focus on shrimp and other animals which have a realistic possibility for consciousness, but not enough to be claimed conscious until proven otherwise. I obviously have the same objection to the shrimp welfare project nut magnified by a lot. I am fine with donating to Dansk Vegetarisk Forening (DVF), The Good Food Fund (GFF), Çiftlik Hayvanlarını Koruma Derneği (ÇHKD), Legal Impact for Chickens (LIC), Sinergia Animal, or The humane league, but I would like to know which is the most effective. I do not want to donate to Faunalytics because I do not think more statistics are going to change anything or anyone, and that we have already proved that all mammals and all birds are equal to humans, but our treatment of them is still horrible. The New Roots institute is fine, I just think that helping directly would be better than education. Wild animal initiative sounds great until you realize that most wild animals live lives that, although they may be net-negative, are incredible compared to those that are factory farms. I am open for any critique of what I just said, and I would like to know which is the most effective (preferably is terms of suffering adjusted days reduced).