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Answer by Zumji 1

poverty, leadership and environmental issues,are the top issues,on my global listing,which I feel should be looked into,as the rate of poverty and inequalities,could be related to economic issues,which have continually been at the expense of one benefiting more than the other,and that of leadership,linked to political issues,which spans across local and international levels,where diplomacy, alongside international relations are charted for several reasons,which posits several division, despite a common course,that binds us all as humans.finally,the environmental issues,consist of several outcomes, which climate change is incorporated along,and has made people, battling for several reasons ,as the quest for much better environmental structure, cutting across several communities within the globe, cannot be overemphasized. my biggest uncertainty with respect to the above outcomes is that,can there be fairness,on the global stage for this issues? and towards exploring this uncertainties,I would engage in further research and other engagements, towards unraveling measures,which will help curb the situations,as I would continue with my community and social engagement,which it's ongoing, towards improving the lots of our communities,in relation to global engagements and partnerships, which E .A, is a platform, towards attaining that,and I really appreciate, and seek working with this network ( the e.a community, in relation to other global partners), towards improving our communities and the world at large.

Answer by Zumji 1

-Going by the foundational exposition which have aided my introduction to the E.A community,I must have to state,I appreciate the reasoning and facts basis,which remain the foundational tools,geared towards doing good,in relation to prioritizing matters,which will yield the most benefits,as one of the striking features of the e.a,that really attracted me,to joining this community. -My concerns have to do with certain moral truths,which at some point can be objective or subjectively inclined,thereby been relative,with respect to location,times and settings,as how can the e.a community,set standards as regards such,in relation to handling issues.

  • my criticism so far from what we've discussed,comes from the approach on climate issues,which the e.a community gives fair attention to,as it should be given a topnotch priority to, despite global influence,both on expenditures and engagements,by CSO's and several institutions. -finally,what I like about the e.a is it's incorporation of various categories of individuals,in relation to professions,which I see strength been harnessed in diversity , because of its underpinning ideals,which I subscribe too, because it's aids balancing inequalities and also giving voice,to the marginalized,while respectfully engaging all and sundry. B.
  • based on materials and study engagements with our facilitator,I really understood,what we discussed and the studies I undertook, despite grey areas,which were subsequently made clear. -after each topic discussions and engagements,for me personally ,I will gladly say, enlightenment was attained,as even on issues which I personally might not be cool with,the facts and reasoning, alongside discussions ushered in awareness.
  • one thing I found surprising was the issue of farm animals,which the e.a community is really engaging on,as based on indepth studies,I got to see reasons on how it makes sense, alongside the need to used plant based sources as alternative protein. The point is, giving my background as an African, initially I view it as a waste, because,in Africa,the bush is one of our source,were we kill different species of animals for food,asuch,I feel to reduce such, animal farming would aid minimizing such influences,but as it stand,the multiplying effect on both the animals and the environment, owing to animal farming and it's effect also to the animals themselves,based on evidential facts,which I came across, owing to the studies, aided my perceptional change, with respect to that. -one of the issues ,which was not surprising,but I have a different reservation about, have to do with the issue of farm animals ,which I stated above,as my hesitation to it,has to do with my reasoning of it, from an African perception,which I view animals,as just to be used as food, nonetheless,as stated above,the exposition via evidence and reasoning in line with e.a program, alongside other materials,have given me a different perception to that.which have aided my receptiveness to better light,of viewing the issues,as they need to be protected.
Answer by Zumji 0

A. I will safe the 100 now that needs to be saved,and in the next 200 years to come,I will work out measures or path ways,which they can follow, towards minimizing their casualties then,since it's a must,that the occurrence,must occur. B. I would still be excited because, irrespective of the timing and looking at the issues,that made the transaction not to be reflective as at when I transferred,the bottom line for me is,it was used for same purpose, irrespective of time variations.Asuch, I will not be upset about the time variation,when it was used.

Answer by Zumji 2

Hope this finds you well and your doing great,as it's been awhile.just taught to notify you of an issue,which needs better view,as against the perception,many hold,as regards the issue of racism ,that have been affecting alot of people and it's ongoing, despite variations,in it's engagement. The importance of we humans, cannot be overemphasized,as the choice of coming into a particular tribe, color, religion,and other socio-economic standing's,happen as natural and simple,to all and sundry, without permission. which means, the same blood ,air, alongside other outcomes that flows for all,falls in place,with no boundaries,as nature has bestowed , upon delivery to any individual,asuch, why the hate,based on external appearance and make up,which comes naturally , thereby exhibiting displeasures ,which ushers in disservice to humanity. In the words of Luther king ,who stated he seek of a day,were people would be judged,by the content and capacity they wills,than the color of their skins, because,that only amounts to discrimination and segregation,which can be attributed to a word,Called Racism.As the spirit that binds us all as Humans,implore us,at all times,to reflect that , which aids making the world a better place,for you and for me,than engaging in prejudices, alongside other reasoning,that portrays superiority of one race over another,which have brought about genocide, mass killings and violent measures,which have negatively impacted humanity at large,as we seek to chatting a better direction, through unity and harnessing our diversity as strength.At this point, I seek to remind you,to say no to racism, as we seek our political, economic, social progress, in line with the spirit of humanity that binds us all, towards improving and having a better world.And am wishing you the very best,as I hope to see you soon.

your one and only zumji!!!!

This section,gave me much insight about E.A as a beginner,which I really seek to gaining much insight about this project

Answer by Zumji 1

A. In line with the goals and objectives of e.a, I feel contributing to the malaria consortium, Helen Keller international and the new incentive platforms, which all are geared towards charities in the world,with respect to various dimensions and aspects regarding people's health and advancement, would be of immense benefits and should be supported.

B. I would support the new incentive scheme, because of the large number of people,whom owing to religious, cultural and certain social factors,have been denied certain basic immunizations,which if they were given,would have saved them from certain disabilities and health defamatory state,they are currently managing.

C. Other aspects of my life,which I would work on,includes issues as regards climate change,which is already an existential crisis,as the data and other analytical outcomes, would I continually work, towards effectively and efficiently understanding,and using it's outcomes,with the aim of positively impacting our societies and the world at large.

Inequality is really a global and major issue,which economically spans across stratification and country based structures, depending on how it's been handled.As the issues regarding growth and development are very keen and cannot be overemphasized, my suggestion posits, reducing this inequality requires engaging local approaches,which are on developmental path ways,in relations to international measures, geared towards aligning and aiding improvement,for the lots of the populace,as I concur with the article,which stress a major issue regarding where a person is been born tends to matters,as against other personal variables,which might emanate,with respect to his or her subsequent life growth and development.

The importance of charities cannot be overemphasized,as this also needs to be channeled on basis were priority,so that , maximum impact and value could be attained,as against engaging on options,which might not aid the attainment of a higher level of utility

The human mindset,to a large extend is selfish ,as objectivity is really keen with respect to all we do, alongside, attaining better outcomes,than attaching sentiments,which really becloud our judgements. As such, defending when we are wrong, towards signifying we are right,should not be entertained,as this has and would derail the attainment of our good.

  1. I agree with the essence and future of artificial intelligence,which needs modifications towards efficiently serving and managing the excesses accruing from it's usage.
  2. I agree on looking onto issues ,surrounding factory farming,which needs to proper assessment and handling issues around it.
  3. I agree on , finding ways to improving decision making, in various ramifications. 4.finally ,I agree on values that unite effective altruism
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