
2 karmaJoined


For me the most surprising result in the infographics is that raw eggs should have so much suffering per serving. I tried to dig into the data to work out why this might be, and either I'm misunderstanding it – very possible! – or this result is a bit misleading.

The full "Per-Serving Impact on Lives and Days of Suffering" data gives raw eggs a 10.3 for total suffering per serving, and boiled/fried/scrambled only around 4-5. So that means the serving size for raw eggs must be twice as big. 

But this doesn't make sense. If I want to eat three eggs in scrambled form, I simply need to eat a plate of scrambled eggs. But if I want to eat three eggs in "baked good" form, I need to eat an entire cake – which hopefully I'm not doing too often even during a pandemic.

I can't find any reference to raw eggs in baked goods in the "Merged Impact & Consumption Data" spreadsheet. However, they are mentioned in the original "2015-2016 FNDDS At A Glance - FNDDS Ingredients" spreadsheet: under various types of "Cakes and pies", this gives an ingredient weight for eggs of 150g i.e. the amount you'd put in a whole cake. Is it possible this has mistakenly filtered through as a serving size, resulting in the elevated figure for suffering per serving, when in fact 150g of raw eggs represents maybe 10 servings of cake?