
214 karmaJoined


ai safety, software engineer


Thanks for sharing, website isnt working for me, is there a deeper writeup or independent evaluation of the org and effort?

Love this, as i was looking for more regular grant reports while considering if i shall do all my giving to different cause area ea funds. 

Extremely excited for this!

Think the effective altruism community should in general embrace some of the explorations and ideas in the broader crypto public goods sphere, and get more involved improving them and introduce insights and learning from effective altruism like cost effectiveness, meta cause evaluation and prioritization. 

Some great efforts to highlight: https://www.radicalxchange.org/ , protocol labs with https://fundingthecommons.io/ (youtube videos) , gitcoin with quadratic donations, impact daos and decentralized science etc.

Loved this conversation with Rob and Vitalik for example https://80000hours.org/podcast/episodes/vitalik-buterin-new-ways-to-fund-public-goods/ 


Also important to note that he still has $9bn in Shibu coins left and some more in others.. might not be over. And Covid India prob will get $500m-1bn+ out of it given the liquidity of Shibu. 

Fantastic initiative! One potentially interesting approach could also be to invest in strongly EA aligned startups (pathogen detection, ai safety etc.). Basically like GoodVentures investments with a stronger focus on investing and donating much later.

Could also entail funding something like Jade Leung’ long-termist project incubator or something similar to a 100% EA aligned YCombinator or EntrepreneurFirst. This could become the go-to for EAs who want to start a for-profit venture but also want to enrich a fund that is completely aligned with their vision.

Basically an ea-aligned longtermist rolling fund that can make both for-profit investments and non-profit donations.

Fantastic initiative! One potentially interesting approach could also be to invest in strongly EA aligned startups (pathogen detection, ai safety etc.). Basically like GoodVentures investments with a stronger focus on investing and donating much later.

Could also entail funding something like Jade Leung’ long-termist project incubator or something similar to a 100% EA aligned YCombinator or EntrepreneurFirst. This could become the go-to for EAs who want to start a for-profit venture but also want to enrich a fund that is completely aligned with their vision.

Basically a ea-aligned longtermist rolling fund that can make both for-profit investments and non-profit donations.

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