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I'm about to donate some money to charity this year. It seems rational to pick one of Givewell's top charities. However, I'm a gay man and so have a special loyalty to gay issues. Unfortunately, no gay rights (or any human rights) campaigns are listed among the top items in terms of effectiveness, so I'm a little conflicted, especially as many of the people benefiting would probably not want to speak to me if they met me and knew what I was.

Then I thought about the movie Pride and the inspiring real events behind it. In the 1980's, a group of gays and lesbians decided to collect money for some miner communities, whose lives were being made difficult by the government (because they were striking). The groups ended up breaking barriers and the miner unions later became significant supporters of gay rights.

So I'm wondering if it's possible to do something similar in the developing world. Donate effectively, helping people unconditionally, but making it clear to the recipients who the help is coming from. Perhaps there's an LGBT group out there that already does this? Or perhaps it's possible to include a personal message in your donation to some effective charity? Or perhaps there's some other way? Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.

Of course, there wouldn't be the kind of personal connection here as they had with the miners (unless the aid is given by some local gay activists). But then again, the effectiveness of the giving would be much higher, as would (eventually) the amount of money given. And I also might well be motivated to donate more if I get this emotional reward.