Simon Newstead

Impact Investor, Founder @ Better Bite Ventures, GoalsWon
248 karmaJoined Working (15+ years)Melbourne VIC, Australia



Tech founder turned impact investor: - Alt protein / climate VC in Asia - accountability coaching app

How others can help me

Help with advice, support on any of the EA projects I'm working on

How I can help others

Any advice on entrepreneurship, seeking investment, building startups. Also free accountability coaching.


Got to connect with Max through impact investing circles, he also took the time out to have a call to give feedback on another impact project, sharing his experience candidly. I remember thinking - that was really nice of him to take time out to really help a random person on the internet. Shame he was taken too early. Rest in peace Max.

This year have donated:

  • 14k to long term future / s-risks / ai safety
  • 12k to animal suffering
  • 4k to global health / well-being

Glad to finish up with a slight increase vs last year.


  • Center for AI safety
  • AI for Animals (via Hive)
  • Future of Life Institute
  • Wild Animal Initiative (via GWWC)
  • Centre for Reducing Suffering  
  • Animal Advocacy Africa
  • Malaria Consortium (via EA Australia)
  • Michael Dello-Lacovo (content)
  • Shrimp Welfare Project

Thanks all for working hard on the important stuff...

My question is about donation swap and is there enough critical mass of givers (and demand) to implement or help facilitate something like this?

eg- Australia can give to some cause areas / charities but not others (eg existential risk, animal policy/lobbying  etc)

Thanks for all the great work (and donations!) you and crew all do at GWWC.

Great initiative!

Quite a lot of agri projects doing similar things with satellite imagery

eg- seeing if rice farmers are adopting alternate wetting drying as opposed to traditional flooding, to reduce methane emissions. 

Not sure if there are practical lessons to be learned from those folks?

What an interesting and relevant topic area you're working on, and nice to hear you're working towards something bigger. How true about extraordinary altruistic leverage. Welcome to the forum...

Thanks for helping out with those communities in Borneo, and caring to want to do more and use reason and kindness to help more out. Welcome!

Hey Ryan, welcome and glad to read your intro! It's admirable that you are committed to impact. I think it's natural to feel the problems of the world are big, and sometimes feel that our impact is so low. But it's not. Every dollar we spend or minute volunteering or working on an effective intervention matters, and can make a big difference in lives, today or potentially in the future. Thanks for posting and all the best with figuring out the next steps!

Inspired by an EA Melbourne planning event yesterday, we came up with concept of having a subtle but visible visual tag for posts/replies by folks who are in the same city as you (opt in option in your profile), to help build more in-person community and potential collaboration.

Great effort on the project, and appreciate the open sharing which helps everyone out 👏 

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