
-3 karmaJoined


rmative. i’ve learned a lot, and realized how thankful i am for my health/lifestyle, and the efforts i do for my family to be healthy .

question would you accept poop from a toddler? i’m still nursing her and she’s 18M+, i had no epidural, ideal birth, no induction, i did delayed cord blood clamping, i barely took birth control pills and i’ve had limited exposure to meds/antibiotics/steroids, i’ve always healthy and clean, alkaline since 10+ years, healthy stool type 3, super slim, little to no body fat, high metabolism, athletic, under 30 y/o, my daughter also has had little to no exposure to meds, my daughter is not vax to anything (yet) [were waiting for a few reasons] although i was vax’d… anyways my son has a very clean and healthy body. i think i do too.. i grew up i a culture where we would cure ourselves with plants and herbs, passed from generations , we had little access to the western meds and zero exposure to emf, and grew up eating my mom’s home grown vegetables and ate home 90% of my life. not sure if any of these “things” helped keep us healthy and thankfully we had no diseases or problems in my family aside from some cousins who lived near a power plant and used too much fluoride and had BPAs all around her so developed some health issues sadly.

i’ll be happy to connect and am curious if me or my daughter or husband would be good candidates or that one “super” example.
