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I was Active Duty Army and completed my PhD through a fully funded program (at the University of Tennessee) that was part of becoming faculty at the US Military Academy (aka West Point). My PhD program was 3 years, the same as everyone else in my program, and my academic credentials were on par with those in my field. After 3 years as an academic at the US Military Academy I returned to a non-academic position in the operational Army. Many of my colleagues (Active Duty Army officers with PhDs) remained at the US Military Academy for several years and pursed academic careers, as well as a range of other policy related endeavors.  It is a fairly narrow route to join the US Army as an officer and pursue an academic faculty position at the US Military Academy, but it can be done. Anyone interested in more information on this route, please let me know.

A great post. You clearly did a lot of work to bring this together and cover so many different perspectives about the US military. Your analysis of how the military can be a route to or way to engage in EA efforts is brilliant. 
As a retired US Army officer, I was especially excited that there is an EA group for Vets. I will ask to join and look forward to meeting you and everyone else. 
Thank you for putting this article together and sharing it. If possible, I want to share it with others. 

Your idea of connecting coaches with EA organizations is great. I've had similar ideas about connecting executive coaches (from business) and mental performance consultants (with a performance psychology background) with a broader audience of anyone working in jobs aimed to "tackle the most pressing problems in the world" (a la 80,000 hours).  I think there are a lot of people in the executive coach and mental performance consultant occupations that would want to contribute to EA through "donating" their services to those working in occupations more directly connected to EA.  I'd enjoy a chance to trade thoughts or talk more about your effort. Thank you. Best, Pete