Pat Myron

Software Engineer
518 karmaJoined Working (6-15 years)United States


  • Attended more than three meetings with a local EA group


Private subreddit / FB group could be cheaper/easier (although perhaps less private/aesthetic) is a great American nonprofit resource:

New Incentives in particular seems poised to spend much more after large ~Givewell cash grants

Most people view farm animals as serving a purpose, whereas animal cruelty is criticized more when more unnecessary. That's why moral progress is made in fashion, poaching, and animal-fighting sports and why veganism should focus more on food waste and traditions like egg tosses and egg decorating: Omnivores can respect farm animal sacrifices more, which is a useful mindset shift

or Governor candidates in states like North Carolina

I don't mean most members would be interested, but I think they'd at least listen to the pitch. Just thinking similar/tangential existing organized groups seem underutilized when growing new groups

Existing secular/humanist/freethought/agnostic/atheist/Unitarian Universalist/vegan/service clubs (rotary, lions, etc)/etc groups seem more diverse age wise and likely sympathetic audiences

Bus routes also seem cheaper, quicker implemented, lower profile politically, and more historically ridden than rail:

Agreed on building on those wildly successful campaigns that each raised tens of millions:[1]

Team Disease: GiveWell
Team Bees: Good Food Institute/Clean Air Task Force/Giving Green/Founders Pledge

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