
4 karmaJoined


Thank you for sharing. I have had similar experiences myself. Since the FTX saga, I have found myself pouring over Twitter/EA Forums and I have realized that this is, in part, due to wanting to find comments like yours that would confirm what I had already known deep down:

1. Doing good better doesn't necessarily equate to being a good human being. I'm sure there are good EA humans who are looking to do the most good with their resources, but it seems to me that the former outweighs the latter when it comes down to it.

2. Intellectual snob/superiority is seen as something to be proud of. EA has grown from originally focusing on global health and poverty to animal welfare to longtermism - quite a mixed bag actually. It seems like you have to accept the priorities that are presented by lead EA orgs/thinkers to qualify as EA (degrees of variations are ok as long as you still subscribe to them in general) . Any disagreement you would have would be seen as you not coming from the same intellectual depths of the Oxbridge/Ivy league philosophers and economists  who dominate the EA movement.