
3 karmaJoined


Hello - I'm a documentary filmmaker and so extremely interested in this post and in getting your thoughts on what you would like to see in a feature documentary about EA. Who would be the most compelling characters and case studies to show the impact that EA can have? What kind of unfolding narrative/story could the film follow as it happened?

I think a film on this subject would really touch a nerve with a lot of people - and if done in the right way could raise the profile of the movement and certainly help raise a debate about it.

Great potential for outreach as well.

There are many institutions/ funding bodies that would be potentially interested in funding a film with such a subject {I've already spoken with a few of them to gauge their interest} but having strong central characters and a narrative drive is pretty key to actually making it more than a campaign film, and turn it into something which could screen to a much wider audience.

Would love to hear further thoughts you guys might have.