Miguel Galaz

2 karmaJoined Feb 2024


TLDR: Operations specialist (with a generalist mindset) looking to jump from a corporate career into a full-time EA opportunity, either in operational or executive support roles for impactful organizations/people. 

Skills & background: Fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, I’ve worked for 15 years in operational roles, from project and process management, business improvement, customer experience and journey mapping, business intelligence, among others. Given my philosophy and international relations background, I love doing policy work, and I’ve worked on policy on and off throughout the years on my own private time. The project I’m most proud to be a part of is Akshar Foundation, a non-profit slowly revolutionizing the education system in India.

Location/remote: Lisbon, Portugal. I’d prefer to work remotely since I can adjust well to almost all time-zones.

Availability & type of work: Full-time work but would also consider part-time or contract work. I can start within a couple of weeks of signing a contract.

Resume/CV/LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miguel-galaz/

Email/contact: Please DM me on LinkedIn.

Other notes: I would like to do work in the area of AI, existential risk, or climate change, but am very flexible, given that my principal focus is to support others have as much impact as possible, as a good operations specialist is supposed to. It is not easy to assure hiring managers how someone that’s worked for 12 years in a large corporate environment can adapt to smaller organizations, but the fact is that if anything, it would be a welcome change having my work have impact on people’s lives, and not just on the shareholders’ bottom line.

Questions: I understand that there is a demand for management and operations specialists to work in EA, but how can someone that like me, who has given over 20,000 hours of his career to the corporate world, contribute to EA work? On another note, at which point do we start discussing civil rights for artificial sentiences?