Mckiev 🔸

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I think you pointed out the ickiest part of this proposal very well, though: I’d be motivated to encourage people to donate (gamble) more then they were planning to.

I don’t find brick and mortar casino of this type compelling, for this reason. In the online case expenses should be relatively low given the existing infrastructure

Best donation year so far (both in absolute and relative terms). Proudly EA!

Oh, cool, interesting. This is however the for-profit casino affiliate business, that donates it's commission to charity. Closer to what @Brad West🔸 described

I appreciate your take @Ozzie Gooen

I agree that casinos are an evil business, and I would be extremely wary of making people worse off in a hope to "make it up" by charitable contributions. 

 @Brad West🔸 have already answered point by point, so I'll just add that I believe it's better to think of my proposal as a charity, that also provides games to it's customers, rather than casino that donates it's profits. 

I'd argue that regular casinos are net positive for people without a gambling addiction, who treat is as an evening entertainment with an almost guaranteed loss. The industry preys on people who lost more then they could afford and are trying to get even, and it is not possible case. 

I struggle to imagine someone, who would donate more to their DAF that they feel comfortable with because they felt devastated that money went to the charity of not their choice. 

I meant that my version of casino could operate in all states legally (vs 8 states for regular casinos)

Also: have you used Daffy? It's really easy to set up (to your point about friction of setting up accounts)

@Brad West🔸 , thanks for sharing your thoughts! This is what I thought of initially, but then "pivoted to" the complete non-profit framing, mainly because winning in the actual casino would mean that you are in effect taking money from charities. Probably even more important is the legal advantage of my proposal 

I use many of the same subscriptions, but also monica (refferal link), only for it's ui basically: when highlighting the text on a webpage you can press "explain" among other options, and it elaborates on a term/phrase/sentence, I didn't feel like I understood enough. As with perplexity you can customize which model to use under the hood

Thank you for the helpful webinar, Emma and Steve! Would you mind to share the recording?

I find tax codes in the US (and basically every other country) very frustrating, not because the tax is big, but for all the bureaucratic burden 

I thought I could circumvent the whole problem by putting most of my hard-to-deal-with assets into a charitable fund, and then not worry about taxes there at all. However, DAFs don't quite solve the issue since they are very limited in where I can invest. There are also options such as "Charitable Trusts" and "Private Foundations," but they seem to create lots of overhead.

 Is there an option that I'm missing? In an ideal case, I would like to have fully functioning brokerage and crypto exchange accounts where I can make any transactions tax-free, given that all of the money I earn must be donated in the end.

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