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Answer by Guive1

Richard Chappell on consequentialism, theories of well-being, and reactive vs goal-directed ethics.

Ege Erdil on AI forecasting, economics, and quantitative history.

Chad Jones on AI, risk tolerance, and growth.

Phil Trammell on growth economics (the part of his work more directly focused on philanthropy was covered in his previous appearance). 

Steven Pinker (there are a lot of things that he has written that are relevant to one aspect or another of EA). 

Amanda Askell on AI fine-tuning, AI moral status, and AIs expressing moral and philosophical views (she talks some about this in a video Anthropic put out).

Pablo Stafforini on the history of EA and translations of EA content. 

Finally, I think it would be good to have an episode with a historian of the world wars, similar to the episode with Christopher Brown. Anthony Beevor or Stephen Kotkin, maybe.