Greg Kawere

Lecturer @ Bikita Institute of Technology
3 karmaJoined Pursuing other degree/diplomaBikita, Zimbabwe


Technology Research interested in AI Ethics, data science, and entrepreneurship ecosystems. 

How others can help me

I am setting up a free community college in Zimbabwe called the Bikita Institute of Technology that provides tuition-free STEM education to out-of-school youth in the Chimbidzikai Village of Zimbabwe. 

I am seeking opportunities to pursue a Master's in AI Ethics, fellowships, and funding for BIT. 

How I can help others

Reach out to me if you have questions about AI Ethics, African entrepreneurship ecosystems, and data journalism. 


We just need to accelerate work on AI ethics and safety. I am currently reading the book AI Snake Oil: What Artificial Intelligence Can Do, What It Can’t, and How to Tell the Difference

It really offers great insights that can help reshape most of your concerns. AGI 

Hi everyone, 

My name is Greg Kawere, I am a 39-year-old Zimbabwean and a technology researcher interested in AI Ethics, Data Journalism, and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems. 

I hope to create a vibrant EA community in Zimbabwe, particularly in the Chimbidzikai Village where I am based. Philosophically I come from the epistemology community so EA has always intrigued me. 

My professional life started as a Web Developer, then a journalist and I later transitioned to product management roles. 

I am building the Bikita Institute of Technology a free community college that trains out-of-school rural youth in STEM courses. 

Professionally I am trying to pivot to academia specifically AI ethics and governance through either a fellowship or studying for a Masters in AI Ethics. 

My work at BIT enables me to transform lives by empowering my community with in-demand  STEM skills that they can use to secure remote jobs. 

A bit of a background of Bikita, it's a rural district where people rely on small-scale agriculture and remittance for survival. 

Unfortunately, livelihoods have been compromised by extreme weather caused by climate change. This started with the Cyclone Idai floods of 2019 followed by the current El Nino induced droughts. 

I reason that if I can train the out-of-school youth in STEM courses that are internationally accredited and then help them secure remote jobs I could transform my community. 

This BIT project started when two local youths approached me about teaching them how to code in March 2024. We began operations from a solar-powered computer lab housed in a tent using Starlink for our internet.

I now have 20+ students and the community is helping me build a classroom block. I am trying to get BIT accredited by OTHM so that we can offer their Diplomas in IT, AI, Data Science, and Software Engineering. 

It's been a rollercoaster journey but I believe that if BIT can train 60 students per year who go on to graduate, in the next 5 years the impact on 300 lives and their families will be transformational to my community. 

That's enough sharing for the day

