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Hello Fellow lightbringers my name is Casper Faus

I'm (albeit not exclusively) a rapping philosophical clairsentient poet and my lyrical universe is overwhelmingly centered on empathy, self-love, inclusion and all colours of that palette. I'm spreading my crudely honest messages with intention of relieving as many if not all our burdened daily life shoulders, heavy hearts and tensed up necks through perspective altering help-to-selfhelp poetry.

A couple of examples: (A preemptive text layout/formatting apology)

' Don't hate your parents enough with them allready doing it

They remind themselves daily they gave birth to something beautiful and then somewhat ruined it

Who act with ill intention towards their kid Surely no one in their right mind did

Forget not harsh life highway stretches all the way along Eternally threading emotional waves in currents anxiously strong capability is blueprint for our tries so give a good try forgiving mom and dad for times they went wrong ' ' fast cars, calling women whores And chasin intercourse If you claim to be sophisticated pause pause Time to find clothing in some different drawers It's a step towards rewriting street laws we gotta stop all of that and neglect less of this when you smell your own stupidity ignorance starts ceasing being bliss Doing plenty loads of this! and not near enough of that! Looking back at the fire burning With opportunities you could've had Brother clench hard in your jaw, get back up take a round more better off not keeping score You shouldn't mind falling down when you're accustomed to the floor life is in theory ups and downs but in praxis so much more

So it's been tried, tried and tried But at some level hustler behaviour tends to get denied '

I believe in cosmic energy and alignment making it no coincident that I elegantly stumbled upon this thread.

I try to live by a "less me more us" mentality and my trusted seasoned inner compass counselor adviced me to reach out to you guys!

I'm a natural born performer aswell as intermediary with a rather inconvenient distaste for spotlight on a ME level fortunately the common case and poetry is written in the name of US and I'm therefore devoted.

Time will tell us what manifested and what remained an idea.

Feel free to ask me anything should you so wish to.

Love to all Dictation to none Empathy shall rule Under the sun

Best of winds in your directions!
