Fabien Le Guillarm

9 karmaJoined


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I am a startup founder. My company is starting to work well by itself - I have about one full free day per week. My skills are team building, start-up building, remote team building, and software development.

How can I help? Is there a list of open projects that one could take on?  🤔

Related, so I allow myself to interject here: I want to push predictions market in my company. Is there a private solution for Prediction Markets?

I searched but didn't find any.


Hello! Somehow I missed that. Apologies! I have skills in: team building, remote work, startup building, software development, and a bit on mental health / men's groups. My important cause areas are mental health and food-related impact. Thanks! 🙏

Thanks, I have started to dig into the causes mainly through listening to podcasts and it really shifted my perspective on many causes; and actually let me to that post, but these flowcharts are new to me - I’ll dive in, thanks !

Thanks a lot! I will check this out.

I posted this in a short form, but I guess it's also good to post it here.

I am a startup founder. My company is starting to work well by itself - I have about one full free day per week. My skills are team building, start-up building, remote team building, and software development.

How can I help? Is there a list of open projects that one could take on?  🤔

And for a bit of background, I came upon EA a couple of months ago and found it very meaningful. I attended my first meetup last week and also start the Giving What We Can pledge in September.

Nice to meet you all!