
1 karmaJoined 中国上海市


Thanks a lot Jessica! Let me look into these. BTW I reply pretty late too!

Answer by EmblacM1

Diet and nutrition.

Eating better and more efficiently seems important. May be good for both physical and mental health, may improve brain capabilities...

I recently stumbled upon WFPB (Whole Food Plant-based) diet promoted by Dr. T. Colin Campbell and has started experimenting it for a month.

When I was evaluating the claims of WFPB I wanted to get some idea from a trusted source, but found out nutrition wasn't a popular topic in EA.

Thanks for the post Jessica! 

I want to ask a tangent question. So I'm thinking about becoming a computer hardware engineer after using 80k's planning process. Then I need to learn about things like what day to day is like, what tasks create value in the job, and other relevant info that help me predict my fit in that area. 80k doesn't have such resources. What are some comparable resources you can point to? 
