
Programs Coordinator @ Factory Farming Awareness Coalition
1 karmaJoined Working (0-5 years)Atlanta, GA, USA


I'm most passionate about ending factory farming and hope to build a high-impact career around my mission. Currently, I serve as the Programs Coordinator for the Advocacy Institute at the Factory Farming Awareness Coalition. I first learned about EA through Doing Good Better. I've completed the EA-based Animal Advocacy Careers course, started looking into EA, and conducted a few informational interviews, mainly around law school and policy, which is the career direction I'm pretty sure I want to go in. Since I only recently entered the working world, I hope to learn more about my abilities, my strengths, personal preferences, where I have a comparative advantage, etc. through this conference and further exploration through the EA forum, 80,000 hours, and books.


Hi George! Sorry I'm just getting around to reading as I promised I would. I absolutely love this post as a tofu enthusiast myself, and I especially appreciate your note about cultural appropriation.  I just filled out your form noting that I can be of help with navigating that.

I also recently came across the Pragmatic Visionary Award, a "blank-slate grant for food-systems change-makers using business as a force for good." that you could be a promising candidate for! Check it out here: https://www.pragmaticvisionaryaward.org/