Dylan Richardson



Graduate student at Johns Hopkins SAIS. Looking for part-time work.

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If you can direct me to any open jobs, internships or entry-level work that you know of, that would be very helpful!


How about grantmaking to support investigatory journalism on USAID recipients and USAID workers in the developing world? Anyone already doing this?

There would have to (at the very least) be a worse counterfactual here, where they have a hard time finding a replacement and I don't see that happening. I worked in the restaurant industry for a time during undergrad, despite animal welfare concerns. If anything, this was an improvement, since I used the meal discounts to purchase meat-free food. I think this fits analogously, you just have paychecks and a resume builder instead of a meal discount. 

It has been my impression that the general AI safety community had over time shifted somewhat against an US-China AI race dynamic being a concern. But with the recent success of DeepSeek, it seems to me that the race is back on. 

Has anyone not updated accordingly? If so, why? One implication of this development would seem to be that a merely domestic AI Pause is no longer a good idea. Is there agreement on this?

I'm still a bit confused - that's a lot of books, especially since they are all in Russian! And 18k hardcover! I'm a bit more credulous about the impact of such an effort than others - actual insight in the books is less important than having a fun attraction to adjacent ideas. It's worked before: the growth of less wrong may be partly attributable to this and analogously some films, eg The China Syndrome, film/sci-fi novel nuclear doom conceptions may have had significant impact in molding the attitudes of the public.

But still that's a lot of books! And if I understand correctly, with no connection to the ones which were (or weren't?) successfully distributed by the 28k in grant money, before the project ended.

Why so many? What fraction of original copies made have been successfully distributed? I understand that this wasn't from grant money, I'm just curious about the story here is all. 

Edit: saw this. So apparently 68k originally. Wow! 

I didn't realize it before until I read: "6. Promoting some good Forum content on other platforms", but it strikes me that there seems to be a strange lack of forum content shared elsewhere, even in other EA circles.

I don't think it content quality that is the problem (though lots of good stuff here is link-posted from elsewhere), my inclination is that content presentation just isn't amenable to sharing.

Other platforms remind you at every turn to share content, subscribe, follow, etc. The forum doesn't. Plus, maybe people aren't sharing because it doesn't have pretty pictures? Basically the norm for Substacks now is to include a nice picture at the top, even if it's just a vaguely relevant AI-generation. Substack strongly encourages writers to do this! 

Great news!

I'm curious though if there has been any work done on the welfare math of this? Frankenchickens suffer more individually due to their size, but greater size also means less individual chickens are needed to satisfy demand. Furthermore, faster growth means less time spent alive and, presumably, suffering - or maybe more time, if slaughter makes up a large fraction of it?  

It seems likely to me that Frankenchickens do entail more suffering and that banning them would mean less regardless, as increasing cost of production also lowers demand; plus the campaign is a good movement building endeavor. However, it would still be good to understand how much of priority this is relative to other policy changes. 

I do think that the marginal good of additional researchers, journalists, content creators and etc isn't exactly as high as it is thought to be. But there's an obvious rational-actor (collective action problem?) explanation: other people may not be needed, but me, with my idiosyncratic ideologies? Yep!

This also entails that the less representative an individual is of the general movement, the higher the marginal value for him in particular to choose a research role.

I suppose I can see that. The word "disadvantaging" though seems to have a fairly uncontroversial definition to me. If we take "disadvantaging" to mean "insufficiently compensated for", then what word means "generally harmful to the achievement of personal aims, relative to baseline ambitions"? 

I took the answer more as (at best) a way of saying "I support disability rights". Which I might actually be kinda OK with in a different context. Maybe while giving a public speech to a particular crowd. But this is an anonymous academic survey. At a certain point you have to put your foot down and say "this is what words mean". 

Results give some support to the notion that bioethicists are more like PR professionals, geared to reproducing common sentiments rather than a group that is OK with sometimes taking difficult stances. Questions 6 & 7 especially seem like vague left-wing truisms.

On the other hand, there does seem to be a substantial (minority?) which isn't this way, so perhaps it's not fair to condemn all bioethicists, as some tend to. Or maybe much of actual research is OK and there's too much worrying about certain in-group signals. Maybe critics are doing a motte-and-bailey:

...it is worth some eyebrow-raising if it turns out that the ingroup defense is something along the lines of “well, by bioethicists, we mean research ethicists, and by research ethicists we mean research bureaucrats, and by research bureaucrats, we mean research bureaucracy.” It feels like blaming congressional gridlock on political philosophers at a certain point.

This seems plausible. But I still can't get over 40% thinking being blind would be not disadvantaging if society was "justly designed". Even if individual opinions aren't everything, surely it matters that the supposed experts, who are plausibly themselves in positions of influence, exhibit such poor reasoning?

This seems like a common group misperception to me, that (other) EAs have turned against earning to give. Take this comment for instance - zero disagrees. 

But maybe there's a vague unease as opposed to explicit beliefs? Like student clubs just not broaching the subject as much as they had before? Self-censoring? If so, it's not obviously represented in any forum activity I've seen, neither is it obvious on the EA survey, which finds "further de-emphasize ETG" in only 5% of responses. Maybe that's enough to be worried anyways?

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