

Career pivoting into EA, with an interest in climate change mitigation, clean energy, and global development. 8 yrs experience in clean energy consulting and program management. 10+ yrs leadership experience with Engineers Without Borders, a global development non-profit. Bay Area based.

How others can help me

Looking to learn, network, and find job opportunities in the climate and global development space!  Currently interviewing with GiveWell, The Nature Conservancy, RMI, and Union for Concerned Scientists and looking for insights into these companies and like-minded ones!

How I can help others

Happy to chat about common interests! Can provide advice on grad school, engineering & consulting career path, careers in energy & sustainability, starting a student organization in college, and volunteering with EWB (as as student or professional).


Also commenting to see if there are plans to create a new "Who wants to be hired?" thread - as I think it could be very beneficial to job-seekers like me!

My first comment! Thanks for the guidance Aaron, glad to be here.