
12 karmaJoined


Hi, I’m Celia. I first got involved with Effective Altruism a few years ago, mostly EA London. After trying a few different things to do the most good with my skillset, I settled in charity fundraising, working for WaterAid, then the NSPCC, and now in Hand in Hand International, a small, efficient charity which lifts communities out of poverty with a proven four step model that creates sustainable income. I have a particular interest in International Development and I’m also interested in how fundraising creates change and how best to do it.


Hi all, I’m Celia. I first got involved with Effective Altruism a few years ago, mostly EA London. After trying a few different things to do the most good with my skill set, I settled in charity fundraising, working for WaterAid, then the NSPCC, and now in Hand in Hand International, a small, efficient charity which lifts communities out of poverty with a proven four step model that creates sustainable income. I have a particular interest in International Development and I’m also interested in how fundraising works and how to make it more effective.

Thanks for the bullet points - self-bios always take longer than I think they will!