
13 karmaJoined


I got to read this before it got published, but I'm really happy to get the chance to read how you rate and structure your career opportunities. Generally I wonder if there's a way to do a survey for employees in big tech companies and find methodically these "do good" teams.

As someone who received a lot of super helpful advice and insights from @hibukki, I think this kind of offer is priceless for one's career and skills in the software engineering field.
@hibukki might say it's different because we're very close, but to be honest I think it's harder to give professional advice to a close one than to someone you're not biased about or protective of.

I'm the CTO of a ~40 employees startup that aims to solve a big healthcare issue, and generally an very experienced engineer.
An hour with @hibukki is one of the best things I can do to improve my daily work.

Last but not least - I suggest the name Cheshire Cat Mentoring šŸ˜ø