
7 karmaJoined


Will do. Sorry about that.

Interesting news on Republicans and climate change: https://www.eenews.net/stories/1060089315

While a few years ago I would have understood, there has been a significant change on the Republican side. There are 43 Republican members of the House who have joined the Climate Solutions Caucus and are working on policy. Also, there's the Climate Leadership Council that is comprised of business leaders and fellow Republicans who are actively lobbying Republicans with success. I referenced the Climate Solutions Caucus above, so here's the Climate Leadership Council: https://www.clcouncil.org/

I'd suggest also evaluating Citizens' Climate Lobby.

They are working on introducing a revenue-neutral price on carbon, and in their modeling with REMI, the analysis concluded that, during the first 20 years alone, a CF&D policy would lead to:

• A 50% reduction of carbon emissions below 1990 levels • The addition of 2.8 million jobs above baseline, driven by the steady economic stimulus of the energy dividend • The avoidance of 230,000 premature deaths due to reduction in air pollutants that often accompany carbon emissions

The modeling summary is here: https://citizensclimatelobby.org/remi-report/

In terms of progress, in the US they have helped support the formation of the House Climate Solutions Caucus which has 84 members, 42 of which are Republican. Getting Republican support is a game changer. https://citizensclimatelobby.org/climate-solutions-caucus/

Also, they have done it with a volunteer-based approach, where they keep minimal staff in comparison to many other environmental organizations, so the cost-effectiveness is high.

A last bit, which I don't know that I can quantify, is about EA's rising interest in anti-authoritarianism. CCL's approach is strictly non-partisan, and as a result helps people create bonds across the ideological spectrum. Since authoritarian figures often arise in divided environments, the creation of unity helps mitigate that.