Ahsan Umar

0 karmaJoined


I think your way of being and EA, as well as how your EA buddies decide to live, are vital to EA. I mainly agree with the other posters here, but I thought I might have something extra to contribute. After reading your piece, I felt tempted to categorize EA into two camps: "too much" and "EA light." However, I believe that this initial us vs. them mentality is needless and might possibly be detrimental. The more "EA light" among us—to which I believe I may belong—helps the more "hard core" among us by preventing value drift and motivating us to take assisting even more seriously.

However, I believe that by helping the "hard core" group feel more comfortable with the odd "mistake" they may make, we "EA light" people may be of benefit. As "EA light" individuals are more simpler to attract to our causes and organizations than hard core types, I believe that we "EA light" people may also contribute to the movement's growth. 

