Vegan Outreach (Organisation)

Vegan Outreach is a nonprofit organization that focuses on farmed animal advocacy. It was founded by Matt Ball and Jack Norris in 1993.


Vegan Outreach was rated a Standout Charity by Animal Charity Evaluators between May 2014 to November 2018.[1]

Further reading

Animal Charity Evaluators (2018) Vegan Outreach review, Animal Charity Evaluators, November.

Ball, Matt (2014) The Accidental Activist: Stories, Speeches, Articles, and Interviews by Vegan Outreach’s Co-Founder, New York: Lantern Books.

Tomasik, Brian (2006) How much is a dollar worth? The case of Vegan Outreach, Essays on Reducing Suffering, July 2.

Related entries

dietary change | effective animal advocacy | farmed animal welfare

  1. ^

    Animal Charity Evaluators (2018) Vegan Outreach review, Animal Charity Evaluators, November.

External links

Vegan Outreach. Official website.

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