Sam Harris

Making Sense podcast

Samuel Benjamin Harris (9 April 1967) is an American philosopher, neuroscientist, and author.

Harris hosts Making Sense, a popular podcast about "the human mind, society, and current events." Past guests of the podcast include Sam Bankman-Fried,[1] Nick Bostrom,[2] David Chalmers,[3] Robin Hanson,[4] William MacAskill,[5][6] Jeff McMahan,[7] Toby Ord,[8] Peter Singer[7][9] and Eliezer Yudkowsky.[10] The conversations with MacAskill motivatedprompted so many people—including Harris himself—to take the Giving What We Can pledge that they have been described as the most successful effective altruism podcast episodes of all time.[11]

Harris hosts Making Sense, a popular podcast about "the human mind, society, and current events." Past guests of the podcast include Sam Bankman-Fried,[1] Nick Bostrom,[2] David Chalmers,[3] Robin Hanson,[4] William MacAskill,[5][6] Jeff McMahan,[7] Toby Ord,[8] Peter Singer[7][9] and Eliezer Yudkowsky. [10] The conversations with MacAskill motivated so many people—including Harris himself—to take the Giving What We Can pledge that they have been described as the most successful effective altruism podcast episodes of all time.[11]

Harris hosts Making Sense, a popular podcast about "the human mind, society, and current events." Past guests of the podcast include Sam Bankman-Fried,[1] Nick Bostrom,[2] David Chalmers,[3] Robin Hanson,[4] William MacAskill,[5][6] Jeff McMahan,[7] Toby Ord,[8] Peter Singer[7][9] and Eliezer Yudkowsky[10] The conversations with MacAskill motivated so many people—including Harris himself—to take the Giving What We Can pledge that they have been described as the most successful effective altruism podcast episodes of all time.[11]

Samuel Benjamin Harris is an American philosopher, neuroscientist, and author.

Making Sense podcast

Harris hosts Making Sense, a popular podcast about "the human mind, society, and current events." Past guests of the podcast include Sam Bankman-Fried,[1] Nick Bostrom,[2] David Chalmers,[3] Robin Hanson,[4] William MacAskill,[5][6] Jeff McMahan,[7] Toby Ord,[8] Peter Singer[7][9] Eliezer Yudkowsky[10] The conversations with MacAskill motivated so many people—including Harris himself—to take the Giving What We Can pledge that they have been described as the most successful effective altruism podcast episodes of all time.[11]

External links

Sam Harris. Official website.

Related entries

  1. ^

    Harris, Sam (2021) Earning to give: A conversation with Sam Bankman-Fried, Making Sense, December 24.

  2. ^

    Harris, Sam (2019) Will we destroy the future? A conversation with Nick Bostrom, Making Sense, March 18.

  3. ^

    Harris, Sam (2016) The light of the mind: A conversation with David Chalmers, Making Sense, April 18.

  4. ^

    Harris, Sam (2018) Hidden motives: A conversation with Robin Hanson, Making Sense, March 12.

  5. ^

    Harris, Sam (2016) Being good and doing good: A conversation with William MacAskill, Making Sense, August 29.

  6. ^

    Harris, Sam (2021) Doing good: A conversation with Will MacAskill, Making Sense, December 14.

  7. ^
  8. ^

    Harris, Sam (2020) Existential risk: A conversation with Toby Ord, Making Sense, June 23.

  9. ^

    Harris, Sam (2016) What is moral progress? A conversation with Peter Singer, Making Sense, October 21.

  10. ^

    Harris, Sam (2018) AI: racing toward the brink: A conversation with Eliezer Yudkowsky, Making Sense, February 6.

  11. ^

    Gertler, Aaron (2021) The most successful EA podcast of all time: Sam Harris and Will MacAskill (2020), Effective Altruism Forum, July 3.

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