External praise for effective altruism

The external praise for EAeffective altruism tag covers positive reviews of EA from people who don't consider themselves to be members of the movement. Think of it as a counterpart to the various "criticism of EA" tags.

I like having a single "external praise" tag rather than three "praise" tags corresponding to the three "criticism" tags, for the reasons you note.

We could instead have "praise" tags to match each of the "criticism" tags — maybe that would make more sense?

I do think the external/internal distinction matters much more for praise. We should take criticism seriously whether it comes from outside or inside of EA, but praise for EA from people who are already deeply embedded in the movement seems qualitatively different than praise from people who admire from afar.

I like having a single "external praise" tag rather than three "praise" tags corresponding to the three "criticism" tags, for the reasons you note.
Applied to Bryan Caplan on EA groups ago

The external praise for EA tag covers positive reviews of EA from people who don't consider themselves to be members of the movement. Think of it as a counterpart to the various "criticism of EA" tags.

Created by Aaron Gertler 🔸 at