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Hi all!
Following on from my previous posts re: my website www.teachingyouhowtolearn.com, I've just posted the third of the key ideas guides - Getting Started With Anki

I've written this to be a Pareto Principle-style guide covering the essentials of getting started and the key things I wish I'd known since day one. 

I think a solid system for learning is essential for any EA and is an extremely powerful way to increase your leverage in you career & life, so would highly recommend following the guide and giving it a go :)

Let me know what you think!


  • Anki is free for desktop & Android, $25 for iOS. I spend almost all of my Anki time on desktop.
  • It’s very easy to pick up but there are some key things to do and avoid.
  • Using anki is split into making and reviewing flashcards.
  • You can create multiple decks. I recommend having decks for topics, all nested under a master deck.
    • Interleaving.
    • Allows overall new cards per day to be set via master deck (bottleneck).
  • Cloze deletion is the best card type.
  • Number of cards per day.
  • Anki as a daily habit.
  • Tips for starting strong.
    • Make your flashcards in plain text document (!!!).
    • Don’t make “orphan” cards.
    • Master deck with subdecks.
    • Make it clear what card is about.
    • Recognise cards that won’t be memorable and make supporting cards.
    • 20 rules of formulating knowledge, key ones:
      • First, Understand.
      • Start with big picture & build on the basics.
      • Simplify.
      • Use mnemonic techniques.
      • Optimise wording.




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