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I am a startup founder. My company is starting to work well by itself - I have about one full free day per week. My skills are team building, start-up building, remote team building, and software development.

How can I help? Is there a list of open projects that one could take on?  🤔

I'd say start with this opportunities board - you can filter for volunteer opportunities. Heck, maybe some part-time work would be relevant as well.

There's also this Facebook group for EA volunteering

You could also try things like applying to EAGx Virtual and try to find out about projects by just asking people.

Thanks a lot! I will check this out.

Good on you for taking on more work and trying to figure out how you can best contribute to the world :-) It might be easier for us to share opportunities with you if we know what cause areas are important to you and which skills/prior experience you have. Feel free to let us know!

Hello! Somehow I missed that. Apologies! I have skills in: team building, remote work, startup building, software development, and a bit on mental health / men's groups. My important cause areas are mental health and food-related impact. Thanks! 🙏

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