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So my career choice is partially influenced by money to donate and keep my living standard at a solid level. I'm a software engineer and despite early signs I didn't enjoy it much, I followed the Cal Newport, So Good They Cannot Ignore You path/logic.

Unfortunately not much has changed, I'm in industry more than 10years, have tried a few positions but have never really enjoyed work much. Right now I feel like I want freedom but I think that's influenced by a difficult child at home. In the past, I'm been acutely aware I like to solve problems, learn, gain skills. For example if I won the lottery and never had to worry about money, I can guarantee I'd be doing all sorts of random MOOCs I'm interested in.

I want to enjoy my work more and be more committed to it. I'm getting a bit worried about my lack of commitment to it, though I'm hoping this is partially influenced by lack of sleep!

Any recommendations would be much appreciated in terms of resources to explore




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Could you say a bit more about the kinds of resources that would be helpful? I'm not clear on whether you're thinking of switching careers or whether you're looking for ideas about how to solve problems and gain skills outside of work.

I will note that lack of sleep can, as you surmised, make a big difference in how you feel about many elements of your life (work included). If you're going to bed at a reasonable time but can't easily fall asleep, some of the comments on this post might be helpful, and I also liked this post (wearing glasses that "block blue light," as the author suggests, has been a real boost for me).

perhaps the best higher level question in terms of resources is - where does one go for the best career advice?

apologies for being unclear. I guess the crux is, how do you figure out the best career for you based on personal fit alone? I'm considering switching careers, based on sunk costs, I would guess I'll need to stick within IT as not to lose too much ground in terms of my wage, but my aim is figuring out a number of potential career paths based on personal fit, then trying those to see which are viable?

Is that a little better? My personality is that I will always be working on something, therefore it makes sense to me to make that work as enjoyable as possible. Happy for that to be turned on its head though!

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