Title taken from Tyler Cowen: The high-return activity of raising others’ aspirations
This is taken from a twitter thread (which I also wrote up on my website) that I was - aptly for the content - encouraged to put in non-Twitter places. Thanks for the encouragement!
Things you can say to people in ten seconds that sometimes produce insanely outsized effects:
- Yeah, someone *should* do that. Why not you?
- Is there something you could do about that problem in the next five minutes?
- That's a great thought - have you written it up somewhere? I'd be excited to share it if so.
- Should you write a book / blog?
- You want to do that but don't think you will? Do you want to make a concrete plan now?
- Do you want me to ask in a week / month if you've done that or how it's going?
- Feeling stuck sucks. Want to brainstorm together?
- Feeling stuck sucks. Have you spent a five minute timer generating options?
- What's the twenty minute / minimum viable product version of this overwhelming-feeling thing?
- Do you want me to sit with you while you fill out that application/write that email? Too bad, it's happening.
- Is it worth just asking / cold emailing and seeing?
- Is there anyone I know who you'd like to be introduced to?
- Do you want to just set an alarm on your phone now as a reminder? (from Damon Sasi)
- Do you know anyone else who might have struggled with or succeeded at that? Have you talked to them about it? (from Damon Sasi)
- Who do you know who you could ask for help from?
- You are Allowed (to try, to do, to build, to ask). I strongly recommend this link of things you are allowed to do.
- (Or do you not need permission in the first place?)
- Do you sort of already know what you're going to do / have your mind made up about this?
Really love this, Chana. Great ones to keep in your pocket as an organizer!