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We (Nathan Barnard, Joe Hardie, Quratul Zainab, Hannah Erlebach) will be running a camp for upskilling people in machine learning this January, in conjunction with the Cambridge AI Safety Hub. Our target audience is people with strong quantitative skills (e.g., maths/physics/engineering students) with limited to no ML experience, and ideally with some programming experience (preferably Python), although we're flexible on this requirement. Ideal participants will have a level of AI safety knowledge equivalent to having completed the AGI Safety Fundamentals alignment curriculum or higher, but we expect to accept some people with less AI safety knowledge than this.

We will be following this curriculum (subject to a few changes). This is based on the first two weeks of MLAB. 

The dates of the camp are 2-10 January, and the location will be in Cambridge, UK. Accommodation will be provided to successful applicants.

For people who can’t attend the camp in person, there is also the option to attend online. However, we strongly encourage those who can attend in person to do so. We expect it to be substantially harder to make enough progress attending the camp online and so will have a higher bar for accepting applicants to the virtual version. 

If you're unsure if you're a good fit for this camp, we encourage you to err on the side of applying. Similarly, if you are unsure about your availability, we still encourage you to apply and can specify your availability in the form.

The deadline for applying is 18 December, 23:59 GMT+0.

The application form to be a participant can be found here

We’re also looking for mentors with strong ML programming ability to assist participants work through the curriculum.

We will be following this curriculum (subject to a few changes).

Participants will work through the curriculum in a self-directed manner, but we expect it will be very useful for them to be able to call on more experienced ML programmers to help with various problems they may encounter and explain concepts participants are struggling with.

We can pay for accommodation in Cambridge for those who need it, and offer compensation for your time at £100 for a half day or £200 for a full day.

The application form to be a mentor can be found here.

Please contact Nathan at for more details.

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  • Where in Cambridge will this take place (accommodation / venue)?
  • Is compensation for both students and mentors?
  • Will you provide/subsidize access to GPUs?

In response to the first two questions:

  • Accommodation is Emmanuel College, and the venue will be the Sidney Street Office (the central Cambridge office space used by the EA and AI safety groups, among others)
  • Compensation is only provided for mentors

Will check with the other organisers and get back to you on the third question.

This link is broken for me.

Thank you! Sorry. The link has been corrected now.  EA opportunity board

Is this closed off to people in the UK, or can anyone apply?


Anyone can apply - we can definitely accept people in the US, Canada, Ireland and EU countries - we're currently unsure about others.


Wooo super happy you managed to organise this!

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