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 X-Risk, Governance, Epistemic Risks

Carla Cremer and Igor Krawczuk argue that AI risk should be understood as an old problem of politics, power and control with known solutions, and that threat models should be driven by empirical work. Carla's Vox article highlights the need for an institutional turn when taking on a responsibility like risk management for humanity. Carla's “Democratizing Risk” paper found that certain types of risks fall through the cracks if they are just categorized into climate change or biological risks. Deliberative democracy has been found to be a better way to make decisions, and AI tools can be used to scale this type of democracy and be used for good, but the transparency of these algorithms to the citizens using the platform must be taken into consideration. 


Elon's Indefinite vs Definite Optimism 

After listening to Elon's  recent interview   , there are two interesting ways he comments about Philantropy. He asks the question, what is the most effective causes to give but also argues that Tesla, Space X, Boring Company are causes for Philantropy (love for humanity).  



This question is about understanding whether building a company is more philantropic than donating to causes. This tweet expresses frustration with the EA philosophy of giving to causes. How can you diffuse this take? 

In my view, what Musk says is not in conflict with effective altruism, unlike what the tweet claims.

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