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To a first approximation, a human can be thought of as a black box that takes in data fromTo a first approximation, a human can be thought of as a black box that takes in data from its environment, and outputs beliefs and behaviors. When 2 humans disagree—when their black boxes output different answers—there are often a handful of unproductive things that can occur. Double crux in the ideal solves all of these problems, both in increasing understanding and in decreasing conflict-due-to-disagreement.

The Method
1. Find a disagreement with another person
2. Operationalize the disagreement
3. Seek double cruxes
4. Resonate
5. Repeat!

More details on Double Crux Method

* Double Crux — A Strategy for Mutual Understanding --
* Convinced, not convincing | EA Global: San Francisco 2017 --

Join us for discussion and double crux practice at Gasworks Park! Meet at the picnic tables under the pavilion (If you enter the park on the largest path on the east side of the parking log, turn left as soon as you pass the bathrooms and meet us at the tables). We'll be outside, so dress for the weather, but hopefully under the pavilion, so we can stay out of any rain.

This event is in cooperation with the Deep Discussions Meetup Group ( and an opportunity to practice these and other discourse techniques. We'll have some topics to introduce and kick things off. Be ready for discussion and self-reflection. Future events may have a dedicated topic each week, depending on member interests. Expect to disagree with people across both mundane and important topics.

Location: Gasworks Park Pavilion.




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