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Reflect, Envision, and Act on Your Values

Join us for an engaging workshop exploring the ethical foundations of your values and translate them into meaningful, high-impact actions.

Evening Plan:

Introduction: Values Lightning Talk (5 min)
Kick-start the session with an overview of ethical frameworks.

World Café Discussions (50 min):

Explore key topics at different stations, and chose according to your preferences. 

  1. Values Reflection Exercise and Exchange 
    Analyse your personal values, share insights with fellow participants, and gain new perspectives.
  2. Vision for Impact Exercise 
    Envision your legacy and identify actionable steps to align your actions with your values.
  3. Sharing last actions and commitment to next steps 
    Discuss recent steps you’ve taken to achieve value-aligned goals, define a concrete next step, exchange contact details with a partner, and commit to mutual accountability.


Participants share insights from different stations and get the opportunity to continue in small groups or mingle freely with games and drinks. 


Be part of a transformative experience that turns values into impactful actions!




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